Mon,Aug 11,2014
English>>People's Daily Online Exclusives

An 80-year-old doctor in Ludian (3)

(People's Daily Online)    15:43, August 11, 2014
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(Chinanews/Yang Kejia)

Wu Dianhua, an 80-year-old president of Jizhou Workers’ Hospital in Hebei Province, has led a medical team to help treating people in the Ludian earthquake stricken area, Aug. 10, 2014.

On Aug. 3, he and his team arrived at Ludian, and he brought an 88-year-old patient Xiong Zhengfen out of danger after being buried for 50 hours, Aug. 5, 2014. Wu have volunteered in all the natural disasters rescuing activities since 1949, which include Tangshan Earthquake in 1976, Wenchuan Earthquake in 2008, and Yushu Earthquake in 2010 etc. Wu Dianhua is a national moral model and a model in earthquake relief work.


(Editor:Yao Xinyu、Huang Jin)

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