Wed,Jun 25,2014
English>>China Society

Editor's Pick

Self-stimulation by women triggers mass debate about sexual freedom (5)

By Yin Lu  (Global Times)    08:53, June 17, 2014
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Satisfying desires

Some women in Pei's research group say they can comfortably discuss adult videos or one-night stands, but not masturbation. In contrast, men's masturbation is often a subject of satire and humor.

One of the problems with the image of sex in China is its negative portrayal by the media, Pei said. "Most news related to sex is about scandals or crimes, but sex can also be positive. We have twisted the message," she said. "Obviously, there are double standards between men and women. Women's masturbation suggests that women actively seek sex, which is supposedly wrong. Associating women with masturbation makes them promiscuous in some people's eyes."

Xiao agreed, saying society is "prejudiced against women's masturbation" because it is equated with being "unable to find a sexual partner."

"There is a lot of negativity linked to women's masturbation. There are even groups that capitalize on it by operating rehabilitation clinics for women who masturbate to 'cure' their perversion," she said.

Removing the stigma attached to women's masturbation is a "most natural" course of action in enshrining women's sexual freedoms, said Xiao. For now, the problem is with the perception of an activity that is common to our species.

"Just as we eat or drink when hungry or thirsty, so too can we masturbate when we feel the sexual desire; there is nothing wrong with it," she said.



(Editor:Huang Jin、Yao Chun)

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