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English>>China Society

Editor's Pick

Self-stimulation by women triggers mass debate about sexual freedom (4)

By Yin Lu  (Global Times)    08:53, June 17, 2014
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Research in the field

However, candid conversation about masturbation among women at workshops isn't limited to intimate gatherings of girlfriends. Sun Yat-sen University is an unlikely hot spot for research into self-stimulation.

"When we hold workshops or lectures, many people are willing to share their experiences about masturbation. It creates a space, a form of discourse, making it possible to talk about masturbation in public," said Pei Yuxin, a professor of sociology at the university.

Pei founded the Masturbation Research Group, which in 2013 held a controversial contest for masturbation-promoting works that included articles, videos, songs and art. The group holds workshops, lectures and one-on-one interviews that teach women how to make their partners more in tune with their sexual desires. The group is also a hit on Sina Weibo, where it has 23,000 followers.

Originally, Pei's research wasn't warmly welcomed by the public. Almost overnight her personal Weibo account attracted 5,000 new followers, many of whom abused her. "People were initially angry because it was like I had divulged a secret everyone knew yet didn't dare discuss. Many people who masturbate don't talk about it and even feel guilty. Once we discuss it, they feel released," she said.

"We don't study how to have orgasms, but we want to turn an unspeakable, private topic into a public one open for discussion. This way, everyone can be freed from the stigma of talking about masturbation."


(Editor:Huang Jin、Yao Chun)

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