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Ban Ki-moon inspects China Peacekeeping Center


20:22, June 19, 2013

BEIJING, June 19 (Xinhuanet) -- China is taking on more responsibility in line with its increasing economic growth. Its dedication and contribution to UN peacekeeping missions is crucial for peace and security. That’s the assessment of UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon during his inspection of China’s Peacekeeping Center.

Conflict training begins here. It’s a simulation of the chaotic situation they will face in the future. Ban Ki-moon is inspecting China’s Peacekeeping Center, a sign of UN support for China’s efforts.

The center was built in 2009. For these guardians of peace, such missions carry obligation and honor, as well as risks.

The Secretary General says the UN hopes to strengthen its partnership with China.

Ban Ki-moon, UN Secretary General, said, “UN peacekeepers face new mandates and challenges that require use of force. We will recognize that force along could not solve today’s conflict challenges to peace and security. ”

China’s international peace missions started in the 1990s. More than 22,000 Chinese military peacekeepers have served in 23 UN missions. Nearly 2,000 officers and soldiers are currently deployed. 9 officers and soldiers have lost their lives in these missions.

Ban Ki-moon had a video conversation with Chinese medical peacekeepers in South Sudan. He praised their courage and professionalism. They all know the road to peace is never easy.

Han Bin, China Peacekeeping Ctr, Beijing, said, "Two decades have seen China’s growing role in international peacekeeping missions. Today it’s the biggest contributor of peacekeepers among the five permanent members of the Security Council. It’s a commitment and an honor that the country intends to build on.”

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