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60,000 affected by E China water pollution


09:54, February 26, 2013

Firefighters bring water for local residents in Yongxiu County, east China's Jiangxi Province, Feb. 25, 2013. Tap water for 60,000 people was cut off Monday due to the pollution of a water source. An initial investigation blamed the pollution on an upstream oil pipeline leak. The pipeline has been shut down and the leak has been sealed. (Xinhua/Song Zhenping)

Firefighters bring water for local residents in Yongxiu County, east China's Jiangxi Province, Feb. 25, 2013. Tap water for 60,000 people was cut off Monday due to the pollution of a water source. An initial investigation blamed the pollution on an upstream oil pipeline leak. The pipeline has been shut down and the leak has been sealed. (Xinhua/Song Zhenping)

NANCHANG, Feb. 25 (Xinhua) -- Tap water for 60,000 people was cut off Monday due to the pollution of a water source in east China's Jiangxi Province, government sources said.

Around 10 a.m. Monday, an oily substance was seen floating near a water intake used by a tap water company on the Liaohe River, the environmental protection bureau of Yongxiu county said.

An initial investigation blamed the pollution on an upstream oil pipeline leak. The pipeline has been shut down and the leak has been sealed.

The leak occurred around 9 p.m. Sunday, when an unidentified person attempted to steal oil from the pipeline. Local police were investigating the case.

Local environmental authorities have sent workers to clean up the pollution and the tap water network.

The county government has sent fire trucks to bring water to local residents, as water supplies have yet to be resumed.

No water pollution has been reported in areas near Yongxiu county

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