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English>>China Society

TV gala’s star-studded lineup disclosed

By Sun Li (

09:04, November 13, 2012

Jiangsu Satellite TV has recently revealed the star-studded cast of its New Year’s Eve gala.

Influential pop stars including US-born heartthrob Wang Lee-hom, veteran singer Emil Wakin Chau, and South Korean singer-actor Kim Hyun-joong will perform at the TV station’s end-of-2012 show.

The gala’s director Zhang Lingyan says the TV station has been in contact with South Korean rapper Psy, hoping he will perform his international smash single Gangnam Style live on the gala’s stage.

New Year’s Eve galas, with stellar casts, have become a trend among local TV stations in China in recent years. Jiangsu Satellite TV hosted its first New Year’s Eve gala in 2008.

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