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Military ties in focus before summit (3)

By Zhao Shengnan  (China Daily)

08:40, May 29, 2013

Mistrust lingers

Fan Jishe, a US studies expert at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, said the mistrust between Beijing and Washington will likely not be resolved overnight.

The US has repeatedly questioned the purpose of China's military modernization, while China is concerned about Washington's new focus on military alliances in Asia and its plans to redeploy more weaponry and troops to the Asia-Pacific region.

Through regular and intensified exchanges, Washington aims to know more about the changes in the Chinese military and reduce tension in Asia-Pacific region, he said.

Tensions increased in part by Washington's backing of its allies Tokyo and Manila, which have territorial disputes with China, during Obama's first term, he said.

Shen Yamei, a researcher on US studies with the China Institute of International Studies, said the two militaries have engaged in high-level contacts to boost ties and that cooperation projects in non-traditional security areas are a relatively easy way for both sides to start deepening interactions.

No country can handle such threats, which seldom involve sensitive issues such as sovereignty and territory, alone, she said.

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