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China's bachelors staying single longer


09:21, July 03, 2013

China's single women are often the topic of discussion when it comes to marriage. But now more of the country's bachelors are staying single longer. (

China's single women are often the topic of discussion when it comes to marriage. But now more of the country's bachelors are staying single longer.

For Fu Donghe hitting the weights is a necessity. He says looking good is not only part of his job as a model but also important for meeting women.

At 28 years old, Fu is still single and well aware of how that's viewed in Chinese society.

Fu represents a growing number of marriage-aged men who are single in China. According to the most recent census data, China is home to an estimated 11 million single men between the ages of 30 and 39. Fu says China's economic development is creating more lifestyle options for people his age, making it harder to find a compatible partner.

Twenty nine year-old activities director Mao Xinyu is also single. He says a big reason is society's expectations about what makes a suitable husband.

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