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'Iron Man' Robert Downey Jr. to Visit Beijing

(CRI Online)

14:43, March 28, 2013

"Iron Man 3" poster [Photo:]

Hollywood actor Robert Downey Jr. will be in Beijing on April 6 to promote his new film "Iron Man 3", according to The Hollywood Reporter.

The actor reprises his role as a superhero trying to save the world in the latest "Iron Man" film. The report quoted a source close to the Beijing event as saying that he would be in the Chinese capital for the whole day, attending not just the event, which is set at the Taimiao Temple near the Forbidden City, and also may meet with local press.

"Iron Man 3" has several scenes shot in Beijing, and has Chinese A-listers Fan Bingbing and Wang Xueqi among its cast.

The film will open in North America on May 3. A same-day release in China is expected.

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