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Macao takes a gamble

By Sun Xiaochen  (China Daily)

16:46, November 16, 2012

There's more to Macao than casinos. There's also fighting, for instance.

As was demonstrated by bringing the Ultimate Fighting Championships to the Cotai Arena of the Venetian Macao-Resort-Hotel on Saturday, Sands China Ltd, the owner of the venue, is offering a more diverse tourism experience for visitors.

"We admire what the UFC has done in the United States. We viewed (bringing it here) as a natural progression, given the fact of the great television exposure, which is good for us," said Edward Tracy, president and CEO of Sands China.

"When we try to promote tourism, we diversify the products. I guess everybody thinks it's all about the casino - it's not. A lot of what we do when you walk around here has very little to do with the casino.

"We make money in the casino, but people come for different reasons and we try to offer a little of everything here. I think of sports, we have the arena, which is natural.

"That will be a consistent interest for touring Macao, and it meets the objective of the Macao government; continuing to diversify the entertainment and tourism. That's why we do it. It's also good business, a money maker."

Operating the 15,000-seat Cotai Arena together with the 300 strong Grand Canal groups of shops and the 1,800-capacity Venetian Theatre under the one roof, the hotel has attracted elite athletes like Los Angeles Lakers All-Star Kobe Bryant and tennis great Pete Sampras to visit for various events.

Tracy said there is more to come.

"We are working on a lot of events, but we are very interested in more golf events, more NBA, more individual basketball clinics. We are in discussions with Scottie Pippen and Bryant and also Jeremy Lin. I can't give you more. What you will find is that we are very connected with sports."

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