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English>>China Business

China committed to back development of bamboo, rattan industry


08:06, November 07, 2012

BEIJING, Nov. 6 (Xinhua) -- China is committed to boost the development of the bamboo and rattan industry, according to Chinese Vice Premier Li Keqiang.

Li held a meeting in Beijing on Tuesday with foreign members of the International Network for Bamboo and Rattan (INBAR), who were celebrating the organization's 15th anniversary.

Li said, "China will strengthen its cooperation with international organizations to tackle the issues concerning ecology, environment protection, climate change as well as poverty reduction."

Li pointed out that bamboo and rattan has value in helping promote the ecological environment, alleviate poverty and boost economic growth.

Given the fact the green growth has become a consensus within the international community, Li said China was making efforts to reform its ways of industrial production and consumption in an aim to achieve its objectives both economically and environmentally.

INBAR focuses on environmental protection, poverty elimination and industry improvement by strengthening international cooperation in the protection and sustainable use of bamboo and rattan.

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