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Guinea president appeals for calm after deadly inter-ethnic clash


18:07, July 17, 2013

CONAKRY, July 17 (Xinhua) -- Guinean President Alpha Conde is appealing for calm after Monday's inter-ethnic clash in N'Zerekore administrative region, where four people died and over 30 were injured.

In an official statement released on Tuesday, Conde condemned the barbaric acts, while sending his condolences to the affected families in the locality.

He promised that the government had taken all appropriate measures to guarantee the security of the people and their goods.

He said that the residents should not take the law into their own hands, since that is the domain of the country's judiciary.

"I want to assure you investigations will be carried out to identify those who perpetrated these heinous acts so that they can be prosecuted in court," Conde pledge.

He urged the Guinean people to remain united and avoid divisions which do not benefit any community.

Unconfirmed reports have put the death toll at 10, mostly from the burns and serious injuries sustained during in fighting.

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