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Iran president to visit Iraq for talks


13:39, July 14, 2013

TEHRAN, July 13 (Xinhua) -- Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad will visit Iraq in the following days to talk with the Iraqi officials on the subjects of mutual interest, local media reported on Saturday.

Ahmadinejad, who is scheduled to arrive in Baghdad on July 18, will meet with high-ranking Iraqi officials, including Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki and Vice President Khodair al-Khozaei, semi-official ISNA news agency reported.

The two sides will discuss the ways for further enhancement of cooperation during Ahmadinejad's two-day visit.

Iran and Iraq were involved in a war which broke out in September 1980 and lasted for eight years. The fall of Iraq's former president Saddam Hussein's regime in 2003 led to the normalization of relations between the two countries.

As of January 2010, the two countries had signed over 100 economic and cooperation agreements.

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