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Removal of Egyptian President Morsi draws mixed reaction globally


15:52, July 04, 2013

CAIRO, July 4 (Xinhua) -- The removal of Egypt's President Mohamed Morsi from power by the army Wednesday triggered mixed reactions from countries in and outside the Middle East region.

In the latest development, Egypt's generals put the head of the Supreme Constitutional Court in charge of the country for a transitional period and suspended the constitution under a military roadmap.

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad said Wednesday what was happening in Egypt was the fall of political Islam.

"Whoever uses religion for political gains or in favor of one party without the other will fall in every place of the world," he said.

"After an entire year, the picture has become clear and the performance of the Brotherhood has helped in revealing the lies that they have told at the beginning of the popular revolution in Egypt," Assad said.

Last month, Morsi cut ties with Syria.

United Arab Emirates Foreign Minister Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed Al-Nahyan said his emirates "feel content over the recent developments in Egypt."

He said the Egyptian army proved it was the guard of the country.

King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia congratulated Adly Mansour, Egypt's caretaker president, saying his appointment came at a "critical" time in the nation's history.

In Tunisia, hundreds of people gathered in front of the Egyptian embassy in Tunis to celebrate the ouster of Morsi. They waved Tunisian and Egyptian flags and chanted slogans against Tunisia's ruling Islamic party, Ennahdha.

Ennahdha on Monday issued a statement expressing solidarity with Morsi, following the Egyptian army's 48-hour ultimatum to find a solution or step down.

In the Gaza Strip, an official from the Islamic Hamas movement described the situation in Egypt as "dangerous," however, he said it would not influence the situation in the coastal enclave or his movement.

The Sudanese Foreign Ministry said in a statement events in Egypt were an internal affair, and it called on all parties in Egypt to give priority to preserving stability and the safety of the country and unity of the people.

Security and stability of Egypt equalled security in Sudan, and the Arab and the African regions, it said.

Outside the region, U.S. President Barack Obama said he was "deeply concerned" with the military move to topple Morsi and suspend the constitution.

He called on the Egyptian army to move "quickly and responsibly" to return "full authority" to an elected civilian government.

The U.S. State Department has ordered the evacuation of nonessential staff and family members from the American missions in Egypt, citing the country's ongoing political and social unrest.

French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius called on Egypt to draw a timetable for new elections respecting "civil peace, pluralism, individual liberties and the achievements of the democratic transition, so that the Egyptian people can freely choose their leaders and their future."

Brazil also expressed concern over the Egyptian army's move to suspend the constitution.

The Brazilian government called for dialogue and conciliation, so the Egyptian people's demands for freedom, democracy and prosperity could be met without violence and within democratic order, the foreign ministry said in a statement.

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