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At least 11 killed in highway accident in Argentina


08:24, May 28, 2013

BUENOS AIRES, May 27 (Xinhua) -- At least 11 people including nine teachers were killed Monday in a highway traffic accident in northern Argentina, local media reported.

The accident occurred at 0730 local time (1030 GMT) when two vehicles crashed head on in fog on the Highway 95 in Argentina's northern province of Santa Fe, some 780 kilometers northeast of the capital city Buenos Aires, according to a local radio station.

A voluntary fire fighter identified as Roberto Ansaldi was quoted as saying a Ford F100 van with two people aboard crossed into the opposite lane and crashed head on with another van in which several teachers were traveling, causing "instant death" of the two in the first van and at least nine teachers.

The fire fighter said that "several injured people" with one in critical state were taken to nearby hospitals.

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