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Syrian opposition PM says 'no room for dialogue with Assad'


09:16, March 20, 2013

Newly-elected Prime Minister of Syrian opposition's interim government Ghassan Hitto speaks during a press conference held in Istanbul of Turkey on March 19, 2013. Hitto vowed in Istanbul Tuesday to provide services and necessities of life to the Syrians in rebel-controlled areas as soon as possible. (Xinhua/Ma Yan)

DAMASCUS, March 19 (Xinhua) -- Newly-elected Prime Minister of the Syrian opposition's interim government in exile, Ghassan Hitto, rejected Tuesday to hold dialogue with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and said his first priority is to bring down Assad 's administration.

"The major mission of the (opposition interim) government is to create the circumstances to hasten the downfall of the regime," Hitto said, adding that "there are no more rooms for dialoguing the regime because it's going further in killing and displacing people."

His remarks were made during a press conference in Turkey's Istanbul Tuesday.

Hitto, 50, was elected earlier on Tuesday by a number of opposition groups outside Syria, mainly the Syrian National Coalition (SNC), as the first prime minister of an interim opposition government.

Hitto is a naturalized Syrian-born American. He worked as an information technology executive in Texas. Hitto, of Kurdish roots, and his wife, Suzanne, an American schoolteacher, have four children, all born in the United States. He left Syria in early 1980s and received an MBA at Indiana Wesleyan University.

Hitto has the responsibility to form his government in coming phase.

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