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South African military denies actively engaging DR Congo rebels


14:08, November 22, 2012

CAPE TOWN, Nov. 21 (Xinhua) -- The South African National Defense Force (SANDF) said on Wednesday that its peacekeepers in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) were not actively engaging the M23 rebels in the Central African country.

South African peacekeepers are facing no threat from the rebels who have captured Goma, a key town in the eastern part of the DRC, said SANDF spokesman Xolani Mabanga.

He made the remarks after two South African peacekeepers were wounded last week by shrapnel from what appeared to be a stray mortar during a gun battle between the DRC army and rebels.

South African peacekeepers, estimated at 1,000, form part of the United Nations peacekeeping force in the DRC (MONUSCO) numbering 6,700.

On Tuesday, the M23 rebels advanced into Goma, forcing the DRC army to retreat and leaving MONUSCO alone to face the rebels.

The UN mission did not have a mandate to confront the M23 rebels directly and, as far as the SANDF could discern, the M23 did not regard MONUSCO as the enemy, Mabanga said in a statement.

Mabanga said South Africa had not decided to evacuate any of its troops from Goma as suggested by media reports.

Evacuation would be up to the MONUSCO force commander to decide, he added.

MONUSCO maintains control of the Goma airport in case the troops could be evacuated if necessary, Mabanga said.

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