Tue,Mar 4,2014
English>>China Society

5 ways to battle smog (4)

(China Daily)    13:31, March 04, 2014
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In the worst smog afflicted region, Hebei province, authorities have started tackling the root cause of smog: industries. They have shutdown some of the biggest polluters and 26 iron-smelting furnaces have been reduced to ashes. (Photo/Xinhua)

4. Cracking down heavy polluters

In the worst smog afflicted region, Hebei province, authorities have started tackling the root cause of smog: industries. They have shutdown some of the biggest polluters and 26 iron-smelting furnaces have been reduced to ashes.

【1】 【2】 【3】 【4】 【5】

(Editor:LiQian、Gao Yinan)

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