Mon,Jan 27,2014
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Editor's Pick

Cost of the journey back home (7)

(People's Daily Online)    09:13, January 27, 2014
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(People’s Daily Online/Hao Shuai)

•Name: Wang Zhiqiang
•Gender: male
•Occupation: employee of Nike (China)
•Hometown: Changchun, Jilin province
•Departure Date: Jan 22, 2014
•Distance from Home: 980 kilometers
•Route of Travel: train from Beijing to Zhangchun
•Time Cost of Travel: 8 hours 20 minutes
•Total cost of Travel: 237.5 yuan, or 4.7 percent of monthly income

•Background: Wang Zhiqiang has worked in Beijing for two years. His salary - 5000 yuan per month - is higher than many other migrant workers. However, he could hardly save money because of the high home rent. Wang said he was very exciting when he got on the train, feeling home is getting closer and closer.

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(Editor:GaoYinan、Huang Jin)

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