Sun,Nov 3,2013

Editor's Pick

Pu'er: Expecting global cooperation at higher levels and in broader fields (3)

(People's Daily Online)    19:28, November 03, 2013
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(Provided to People's Daily Online/Zhang Yu)

(2) Abundant resources

Covering a land area of 45,000 square kilometers, Pu'er ranks first in Yunnan Province in terms of its land area and accounts for 1/8 of the total land area of the whole province. It is as large as 1.4 Hainan Province.

As the largest tropical area in Yunnan Province, Pu'er has 23,200 square kilometers of tropical area with an elevation under 1,400m, which occupies 52.2 percent of the land area of Pu'er City as a whole.

When it comes to the forest resources, Pu'er also comes top in Yunnan Province with the total forest area throughout the city being 3.13 million hectares (including 44,000 hectares of virgin forests) and the forest coverage reaching 67 percent, namely, accounting for 70 percent of the land area of the city. In addition, its forest and living wood growing stock is 225 million cubic meters and its forest growing stock per capita is 81.8 cubic meters, 9.2 times of that of the national average and 2.6 times of that of the provincial average.

Moreover, Pu'er also abounds with mineral resources, as more than 40 kinds of mineral resources and over 600 ore fields have been discovered in Pu'er and the deposits of some minerals also rank among the top in the province: Pu'er has gold reserves of 104 tons, amounting to 81.9 percent of the proven gold reserves of the whole province, and iron ore reserves of 2.138 billion tons, accounting for 51.7 percent of the proven iron ore reserves of the whole province.

Furthermore, Pu'er is also known for its diversified and colorful tourism and cultural resources. The human and nature landscapes and tourism resources in Pu'er City not only feature exclusiveness, diversity, superiority, uniqueness, centrality and modularity, but also combine green, trendy, harmonious, romantic and original and ecological elements.

【1】 【2】 【3】 【4】 【5】 【6】

(Editor:DuMingming、Chen Lidan)

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