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World Mixed Cultural and Natural Heritage: Mount Wuyi (6)


18:51, July 10, 2013

Mount Wuyi

Mount Wuyi not only has typical Danxia landforms and natural sceneries, but also is the place with the most typical, largest, and best-preserved subtropical virgin forest ecosystem, as well as the place with most insect species in the world. Mount Wuyi can also reflect the ancient Han culture and the atmosphere of Zhu’s idealist philosophy for its various well-preserved and distinctive relics. Its historical and cultural value is quite obvious, and it is in accordance with the “realness” requirements. Furthermore, Mount Wuyi as an individual place with high natural and cultural value has not only maintained the integrity of its landscapes, but has also perfectly integrated them together so that all the natural, ecological and cultural landscapes could be fully reflected. Therefore, an integrated concept of “Mount Wuyi Culture” can be formed and Mount Wuyi is in accordance with the “integrity” requirements. In a word, Mount Wuyi has quite high natural and cultural heritage value and deserves the “world heritage” title completely.

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