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Stepping back in time in Nanjing (4)

By Hari Raj (China Daily)

15:08, May 13, 2013

Nocturne of Fuzimiao area contains the Song Dynasty Confucius temple. (China Daily/Hari Raj)

Next, we check out the Zhongshanling Bandstand, an amphitheater with an impressive stone stage that is hosting the even more impressive warbling of any Nanjinger who deigns to pick up the microphone. Then, as dusk gathers, we head to the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) Xiaoling Tomb.

The tomb itself, about 800 years old, has not been explored. But the same cannot be said of the lovely network of paths and scenic spots that surround the structure.

On our way out, we are very excited by the "spirit path", along which various animals line up on either side. We interrupt hordes of amateur photographers trying to take pictures of stone camels, elephants and lions in the gathering dusk.

Tired, we head to the city's 1912 bar district for sustenance and spirits. The hours before our flight back to Beijing are spent playing cards. To top things off, there is a vendor at the district's entrance doing a roaring trade in stinky tofu. We partake, and for once we are in agreement - it is the best we have sampled on the trip.

【1】 【2】 【3】 【4】

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