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Xu Wei: Music reflects his life (3)

By Chen Nan (China Daily)

16:17, May 10, 2013

In 2005, Xu held his first concert in Beijing. Facing more than 10,000 fans, Xu says it felt like a dream.

"It's been such a long wait for this moment. When it really happened, I just had no time to react," he says.

Now, as one of the best-known rock musicians in the country, Xu has a strong fan base. His music and his life situation have also changed.

Nowadays, a typical day for Xu starts with reading books of Chinese calligraphy, followed by a simple lunch, working out in the gym, rehearsing with his band in the studio in the afternoon and ending with watching talk shows by songwriter Gao Xiaosong or having dinner with friends.

"I also quit smoking eight months ago and put on some weight," Xu laughs.

He says the age of 40 marked a new starting point for his life. He used to listen to rock music only, but has since started listening to various genres, such as jazz and traditional Chinese music.

He also likes Chinese painting and calligraphy, from which he gains inspiration.

"I never suffered from middle-age crisis. I am curious about everything and I believe life in the future will be interesting."


Your favorite virtue?

I am a man full of weaknesses. I am still improving myself.

What you appreciate the most in your friends?

Sharing ideas.

If you could talk to a late master of your field, who would he/she be?

Guqin master Guan Pinghu.

Your heroes in real life?

Too many. Sting, Paul McCartney, Wu Guanzhong, Li Shutong.

The natural talent you'd like to be gifted with?

I want to be a good pianist like Bei Bei, the keyboardist of the band.

If there is one thing you want to change about yourself, what would it be?

I want to be a happier person. I am a pessimist.

【1】 【2】 【3】

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