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Taking Midi to the max (3)

By Chen Nan (China Daily)

09:14, May 06, 2013

The music event has enjoyed a growing fan base over the past 13 years. (China Daily/Shan Yang)

He says what makes the Midi Music Festival special is "it never relies on big-name stars from the West".

It's an achievement to see Chinese rock bands receiving acclaim from festival audiences, he says.

Modern music genres including rock, blues, pop and jazz are taught at the school, which is still evolving today. It reaches out to children by offering a stage for kid bands in China.

Recently the festival circuit has grown wildly — in 2010, nearly 100 music festivals were held throughout the country.

"Midi is still at the center of the market and maintains its position for introducing original Chinese rock music because it has a strong backup from the school," Shan says.

In 2009, the festival hosted the first Rock Music Awards, and the lifetime achievement award-winner was Cui Jian.

Zhang is proud to note that Cui, his idol, calls Midi "the only music festival taking place in China for the sake of music".

Zhang Yuan, the frontman of indie rock band Dagon Power, went to Midi in 2007 for the first time, when he was studying in Tianjin.

The feverish atmosphere of rock 'n' roll stimulated the young singer to study at the Midi School and start his own band.

"The school is where we prepared ourselves for the rock dream, and the music festival is where we realize our dreams," the 25-year-old says.

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