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"Gatsby" remake sparks 1920s fashion revival (2)


09:04, April 28, 2013

Even before the release of the movie, these sophisticated looks have taken the fashion world by storm. (CNTV)

For the men of that era, suits and ties were a must, while for women, the end of the First World War was a time for flamboyant self-expression.

"I think there’s lots more beading, a lot more exciting fabrics, colour, especially in the new version of the film that’s coming out there’s a lot more of that."

The costume design has to suit the period, but pleasing the eye comes first.

Alongside the film’s outfits, the store is displaying a limited-edition Gatsby collection, featuring vivid ties, summer and dinner suits and classic striped jackets. All inject fresh new flavor into vintage designs.

In these days of financial recession, the liberating flair of the 1920s seems timely. That’s a good reason to update your wardrobe in an old-fashioned way, and also to go see "The Great Gatsby".

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