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Chinese new leadership stands test of strong quake (2)


16:22, April 24, 2013


Having gone through hardship since the founding of the People's Republic of China, the new state leaders have rich grass-root experience which enables them to deeply understand the pains and difficulties of the public and inspired them to stand firmly when facing great challenges.

President Xi on Monday expressed the nation's confidence to overcome the difficulties, saying the relief work is being carried out efficiently and orderly.

Under the leadership of the CPC and the government, and with the support from the international community, the united Chinese people are able to rebuild their homes, Xi said.

While rescuers dressed in bright orange uniforms battled their way up mountain paths to reach isolated parts of the quake zone, the public was eagerly responding to China's Twitter-like Sina Weibo with timely support, with thousands pledging to donate money or blood and others mourning the victims.

The nationwide disaster-relief campaign echoed President Xi's first public speech as Chinese president a month ago.

He called for fostering the "Chinese spirit," which features patriotism, and uniting the people as a form of "Chinese strength."

Chinese people should enhance the confidence in socialism with Chinese characteristics and make persistent efforts to realize the "Chinese dream," he said at the closing ceremony of the country's annual parliament session in March.

Compared with the quake relief five years ago, the release of information of the Lushan quake was quicker and rescuers have more advanced equipment, boosting the public sense of unity and confidence and gaining praise from the international community.


While rescuers were racing against time to save lives, reconstruction after the quake will pose another challenge for the Chinese government.

Roads blocked by falling rocks, damaged houses and poor infrastructure in the quake zone have reflected the wide gap between urban and rural areas' development as well between different regions of China. Some people are still living in poverty, testing the government's ability to complete the building of a moderately prosperous society by 2020.

Compared with the 2008 disaster, the Lushan quake is not expected to greatly hurt China's overall economy, but the quake still delivers a hit as the economy is weakly recovering amid a lack of inner-driving force.

It requires the capability and wisdom of the new leadership to grasp the opportunities of reconstruction to develop local industries and start a new growth engine.

"It is impossible for our path of development to be plain sailing, as risks and challenges of every kind could be encountered," said a statement from the top leadership's conference Tuesday.

"Calamities always help to make a nation stronger," the statement said. "As long as we are prepared and united, we will be fully capable to deal with all complex situations and overcome every potential difficulty."

【1】 【2】

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