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China, Russia move toward full-fledged strategic partnership (3)

By Zhu Lei, Yang Qingchuan (Xinhua)

19:11, March 21, 2013


The relationship between China and Russia is not a bloc, union or alliance, and it distinguishes itself from other big power relations, said Sergei Lousianin, deputy director of Russia's Far East Institute.

Their relations in the political and strategic spheres could be called exemplary because Moscow and Beijing have solved all major territorial disputes and other disagreements, he said.

Though their economic relationship is generally satisfactory, it is seen as lagging behind the political one, given their relatively low level of investment and trade compared with those between China and the United States, Japan and other countries, he said.

Both Lousianin and Berger believed that energy is one of the most promising spheres in bilateral cooperation. The two countries have to cooperate more closely on science, electronics, biotechnology, space, agriculture and infrastructure, they said.

At a high-level meeting between the two countries in February, energy-rich Russia agreed to supply 38 billion cubic meters of natural gas annually to China. The two also reached consensus on cooperation regarding oil, nuclear and coal.

(Xinhua reporter Han Liang in Moscow contributed to the story)

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