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Richer parents, more fashionable children (2)

By  Liu Zhihua  (China Daily)

10:31, March 19, 2013

(China Daily)

"Price is the last thing on parents' mind when they buy clothes for their children," Sun says.

"Buying clothes for kids is a family event, especially since many Chinese families have only one child."

The children's apparel market in China expands by at least 15 percent annually. It is estimated that by 2015, the market value of children's clothes will reach up to 150 billion yuan ($24 billion), Sun adds.

Dai Guichuan, 34, a mother of a 3-year-old girl in Shanghai, says she always picks up clothes for her daughter when she shops, and her only considerations are: whether the dresses look pretty on her daughter, and whether the brand uses good quality, safe material.

Her daughter attends an expensive international kindergarten. The class has about 20 children, and whenever the parents gather, children's fashion tops the agenda.

Dai says although her daughter is so young, she knows fashion and will choose what she likes to wear every day.

Sometimes Dai feels that her daughter's wardrobe is too full. Last winter, she bought six down jackets for her daughter.

But she says her husband, a businessman, is incorrigible when it comes to shopping for their daughter. He will buy whenever he sees any clothes he deems suitable for the little girl, Dai says.

"When we were growing up, there were few choices in the market, and we couldn't afford then. Now there are so many good quality and beautiful clothes for children. It is a good thing," she adds.

【1】 【2】

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