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Driving forces behind 'Chinese dream' (2)

(People's Daily Online)

15:37, February 04, 2013

There are three main driving forces behind the "Chinese dream." The first is the pursuit of economic liftoff, livelihood improvement, and social and environmental progress. The second is the pursuit of fairness and justice, democracy and the rule of law, civic growth, cultural prosperity, educational progress, and technological innovation. The third is the pursuit of national wealth and military strength, national dignity, sovereign integrity, national unity, and world peace.

On the basis of the three driving forces, Chinese citizens, groups, and leaders should make greater efforts to find the consensus of the true meaning of "Chinese dream".

A comparison of the Chinese and American dream can provide some enlightenment. The American dream implies an opportunity for Americans to achieve prosperity through hard work regardless of their background. However, the "Chinese dream" advocates "putting greater good and national interest above individual interest", reflecting traditional eastern collectivism.

Different countries may take different paths to pursue their dreams, but they can totally learn from each other. Extremism and alienation should be prevented in the pursuit of the Chinese or American dream.

Read the Chinese version at: “中国梦”的动力源, Source: People's Daily Overseas Edition, Author: Wei Da

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