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Spring Festival goes international (2)

(People's Daily Online)

15:22, February 01, 2013

Hong Kong(File Photo)

Hong Kong
Hong Kong has also integrated Chinese and international elements in celebrating the Spring Festival. The Chinese elements can be reflected by worshiping the Kitchen God and ancestors as well as playing cards to stay up late on the eve of the Spring Festival, which remains the most important festival in the region.

Hong Kong has made great efforts to hold a sumptuous "Global Party" to celebrate the Spring Festival and promote it as an international festival. As colored Christmas lights continue to shine, red lanterns and delicate Chinese knots have appeared in every corner of the region. For western tourists, the Spring Festival is more oriental and therefore more appealing.

Hong Kong residents have replaced many traditional Chinese ways of celebrating the Spring Festival with exotic ways that westerners can understand and appreciate.

For example, firecrackers, folk dances, marketplaces, and god worshipping have been replaced by fireworks shows, carnivals, shopping fairs, and wish trees respectively. Foreigners who are familiar with Christmas trees can better appreciate the festival featuring both eastern modesty and western luxury.

Different faces, same Chinese Dream[Special]

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