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Qianxinan Prefecture: Promote Social Harmony with the "Sunshine Project", a New Initiative of Anti-Drug Work (5)

(People's Daily Online)

19:56, January 06, 2013

While carrying the activities themed “police entering every household to ensure peace and safety” aiming at maintaining the Party’s purity, the narcotics control department of Qianxinan Prefecture purposely visited some of the employees placed in the “Sunshine Project” enterprises and their families to understanding their living and working situations, listen to the comments of the family members on the in-process “Sunshine Project”, and actively asked for their advices and suggestions. When the policemen from the narcotics control department visited the parents of Zuo Guohua, an employee at Yinggui Garment Factory, and told the two old people about the policies concerning the “Sunshine Project” being implemented by Guizhou Province, the over-70-years-old couple were suddenly filled with tears, and expressed their extreme gratitude for the arrangement of the government for the “drug ghosts” to work in enterprises, for not abandoning them. They said emotionally: “Only the Communist Party can do such good deeds. We dared not even imagine these things.” Because of sufficient publicity work and proper motivation, a gratifying scene emerged where wives send husbands, and fathers send sons to work in the “Sunshine Project” enterprises.

Improve the systems and innovate in the mechanisms

The construction of the “Sunshine Project” is a complex systematic project. Governments and departments at all level in Qianxinan Prefecture actives explored and established practical relevant systems and work mechanisms during the construction of the project.

First, strengthen the construction of a professional team. Increase of public welfare jobs, recruitment of anti-drug volunteers and full-time cadres, and other measures are adopted to earnestly intensify the construction of the project. Every 20 registered drug addicts shall be equipped with one full-time anti-drug cadre. As of August 2012, Qianxinan Prefecture has hired 187 anti-drug full-time staff, which after training has taken posts for the services, management, and aid for the community-based drug rehab patients.

Second, strengthen technical trainings. After all, the aid for drug rehab patients depends on the enhancement of their work skills and the employability so as to build self-confidence, return to society, become self-relient, and feel the warmth. Qianxinan Prefecture firmly grasped this key link and made every effort to create positive conditions. Post competition, election of skill pacemakers, reward in kind for trainees with excellent performance and other activities are carried out in the training base to mobilize the enthusiasm, initiative, and creativity of the trainees to the maximum, and create a surge of competition, study, chasing, help, and surpassing. At present, more than 200 community-based drug rehab patients are receiving skill training at the “training base” in Qianxinan Prefecture.

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