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Qianxinan Prefecture: Promote Social Harmony with the "Sunshine Project", a New Initiative of Anti-Drug Work (3)

(People's Daily Online)

19:56, January 06, 2013

In order to strengthen leadership and accelerate the construction process of the “Sunshine Project”, Qianxinan Prefecture has set up a leadership team to promote the community-based drug rehabilitation project, headed by Li Hongya, member of the Standing Committee of Prefecture Party Committee, secretary of the Politics and Law Commission, deputy director of the Prefecture Narcotics Control Commission, and director of the Prefecture Public Security Bureau, and membered by the leaders from the Politics and Law, Comprehensive Governance, Public Security, Justice, and related departments to take responsibilities for the coordination, instruction, supervision and concrete implementation of the works. The Politics and Law Commission of the Prefecture Party Commission issued the Guidance on Implementing Full-Time Cadre System for the Construction of the “Sunshine Project” for Community-Based Detoxification and Rehabilitation Works, to make requirements on the in-depth advance of the “Sunshine Project” and form a level-by-level work pattern with emphases on implementation.

Implement policies and strengthen support for the “Sunshine Project”

Various levels of governments of Qianxinan Prefecture acted upon the requirements of the People’s Government of Guizhou Province and Qianxinan Prefecture, actively provide support for the construction of the “Sunshine Project”, increased capital investment, strengthened infrastructure construction for the project, and adopted multiple preferential measures to vigorously guide and encourage social forces to participate in the project. In addition to implementing the policy of the Provincial Party Committee and Provincial Government to provide a lump sum supportive fund of 150,000 and 300,000 yuan respectively for enterprises with a placement scale of above 50 and 100 people, the Prefecture Government respectively provided a one-time grant of 100,000 and 200,000 yuan respectively for such enterprises. For “Sunshine Project” enterprises with a placement scale of less than 50 people, the financial department of the county of the enterprise’s location will provide subsidies based on the standard of 1,000 per capita for three consecutive years. Corresponding preferential policy supports are also given to self-employed drug rehab patients and those who lost the ability to work. So far, various levels of governments in Qianxinan Prefecture have input a total of 3.6 million yuan funds for the infrastructure construction of the “Sunshine Project”, coordinated microcredit loans of 3.6 million yuan, thus provided strong policy and funding support for the smooth advance of the project.

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