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Ideas and Practices (9)

(People's Daily Online)

18:17, January 06, 2013

Wang Jun, director of Yunyan District Drug Control Office, Guiyang, Guizhou
Being respected, drug rehabilitation and recovery personnel will feel comfortable; as they work near home, their relatives will feel relieved; sound drug rehabilitation and recovery environment enhances the confidence of such personnel in returning to the society. Placing drug rehabilitation and recovery personnel in communities enables them to get employed during drug rehabilitation, and live a normal family life; Through labor and production, drug rehabilitation and recovery personnel get paid and can reflect their values; open management is implemented, so the drug addicts and management staff are equal and help each other, so the dignity of drug addicts is respected; with stable wages, drug rehabilitation and recovery personnel change the original idea of their relatives, promoting the harmony of family relationship.

Xu Yanhong, head of Dujun Public Security Bureau, Guizhou
Merely through crackdown and prevention, the special group of drug addicts have no work to do, and their life cannot be ensured, so they may conduct illegal crimes again. This has brought difficulty in our work, and increased social pressure. This year, Dujun proposed the “squeezing and guiding project,” squeezing criminal space while guiding the special group. Only in this way can social security embark on a healthy track.

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