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Thankful Words from Self-Employed Drug Rehabilitation Persons regarding the “Sunshine Project” (9)

(People's Daily Online)

17:40, January 06, 2013

He Xiaowei: My change and development are attributed to the road paved by the “Sunshine Project”

(Born on Oct. 19, 1976 in Xinzhou Town, Huangping County, Qiandongnan Prefecture, He Xiaowei went astray due to credulous temptation in 2001 and started using drugs. In order to evade the blow of the public security departments, he had to roam to different places, without fixed occupation or source of income. When the implementation of the “Sunshine Project” started at the end of 2011, he voluntarily went to the public security departments for urinalysis, and expressed his will to stay away from drugs and start a career. With the help from various parties, he applied for and was approved to start the project to raise pigs, chicks, and ducks. After nearly ten months of efforts, he now becomes a cultivation farmer with considerable scale in Chengguan Town area.)

Thankful words

My changes and development today are attributed to the road paved by the “Sunshine Project” I hope to not only get rich myself but also help other drug rehabilitation persons get rich together.

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