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Thankful Words from Self-Employed Drug Rehabilitation Persons regarding the “Sunshine Project” (5)

(People's Daily Online)

17:40, January 06, 2013

Su Jian: I feel a lasting pain in the heart because of the disaster and misfortune brought to my family and me by drugs

(Born in 1969 in Chengguan Town, Hezhang County, In 1993, Su Jian was tempted by wrong friends and got addicted to drugs. In June that same year, he was sent to the drug treatment center for compulsory treatment. During that period, he received care and support from the people’s police, family, friends, and the society, and eventually repented and started a new life. Su Jian now works in Yelang Hotel in Hezhang County as the Chief Director, has become a member of the Communist Party, and is appointed as the security officer of Xiajie Village of Chengguan Town. In June 2012, he was named by the Provincial Narcotics Control Commission as an Excellent Employee of “Sunshine Enterprises”)

Thankful words

Recalling the days of drug addiction, I am incomparably sad; looking forward to a better future, I was filled with confidence. These are the thankful works I want to express now I am 43 years old. I feel a lasting pain in heart for the disaster and misfortune brought to my family and to me by the drugs. Precisely because of this, I deeply understand the profoundness of “cherish life and stay away from drugs” after experiencing the catastrophe, and totally agree that drug abuse will ruin myself, hurt my family, and endanger the society. Today, I feel very lucky because the society did not abandon me. I found back the way home through the education and kind help of the cadre and police, the care and love from family, and the concern from society.

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