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Thankful Words from the Community-Based Anti-Drug Cadres in Guizhou Province Regarding the “Sunshine Project” (5)

(People's Daily Online)

17:07, January 06, 2013

Qiao Wenbin: Only by taking the road of sunshine can one find his own life

(Han nationality, born on April 19, 1942, hired as a full-time anti-drug cadre in Xinhu Community, Pingzhai Town, Liuzhi Special Administrative Area, Liupanshui City, Guizhou Province in July 2003 after retirement.)

Thankful words

Since the establishment of Xinhu Community in 2003, I have been working for the community-based anti-drug work and gained some experience. The implementation of the “Sunshine Project” has especially brought new improvement in the aid and education work for the drug rehabilitation persons in the entire community. In order to let the drug detoxification and rehabilitation persons to return to society as early as possible and regain self-recognition, we jointly participated in the advocacy work of the policies for the “Sunshine Project”, including making home visits to the drug rehabilitation persons, talking with them, and giving them supports in accordance with the policies. With determination, we are not afraid of any extreme difficulties. We will serve and influence them with sincerity, help them build confidence in life, cherish the job which did not come easy, and make them recognize that only by taking the road of sunshine can one find the road to one’s own life.

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