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Thankful Words from the Community-Based Anti-Drug Cadres in Guizhou Province Regarding the “Sunshine Project” (2)

(People's Daily Online)

17:07, January 06, 2013

Thankful words

Find happiness out of work, out of dedication, and out of satisfying the masses; and in return quietly dedicate to work with such happiness. My greatest wish and source of happiness in my work is to carry out services for the masses to their satisfaction and let them rest assured.

Yu Chaofen: Everyone should assume a share of responsibilities in the anti-drug work

(Han nationality, born in September 1945, started working in 1961, Chinese Communist Party member, from Qianxi County of Bijie City; currently the secretary of Shuixi Community Branch of Qianxi County Party Committee. After assuming office as the Party branch secretary, Yu Chaofen worked with sweat, tears, arduousness, sincerity, enthusiasm, caring, thoughtfulness, and perseverance. Through long-term working practice, she summarized the fifteen-character principle of “detailed management, humane services, and family-like aid and education” in the drug rehabilitation work, and helped 127 drug addicts kick the drug habit in the community.)

Thankful words

20 years ago, I saw the child of my neighbor got addicted to drugs. The child made the entire street disturbed. He would mutilate himself with a burned hook in drug seizures. His parents were in tears every day. I was afraid that my children could become affected with drugs, so I moved to “Anju Park” residential area. But there was also a kid infected with drugs in Anju Park. The kid stole everything from his family with not even a decent bench left. During drug seizures he would even beat his parents. The kid disturbed the entire park, too.

To contribute to social harmony and stability, to spare the parents from tears and despair, and to save the addicted from the painful struggle in the poisonous sea of drugs, I did not hesitate to sign up as a volunteer for anti-drug work and have been dedicated to the work for 14 years since then. I believe that everyone should assume a share of responsibilities in anti-drug works, and everyone is beneficiary from the eradication of drugs. The establishment of a drug-free community is an important guarantee for the entire community to realize leap-forward economic and social development, to build a harmonious and stable society, and to allow the masses live and work in peace and contentment. It is a cause that will benefit generations to come. In the future, I will continue to do my best with the determination to struggle for a lifetime for the anti-drug work.

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