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HK stocks end 0.35% higher (2)


08:26, December 28, 2012

Local developers Hang Lung Properties increased 1.5 percent to 30.85 HK dollars. Henderson Land, another major developer in Hong Kong, added 0.7 percent to 56.55 HK dollars, and Cheung Kong Holding, a powerful HK-based developer controlled by billionaire Li Ka-shing, closed down 0.2 percent to 118.70 HK dollars.

As for mainland-based financial stocks, China Construction Bank, the country's second largest bank which accounts for the third largest weighting of the Hang Seng Index, moved up 0.3 percent at 6.23 HK dollars. ICBC, the world's largest bank by market value, climbed 0.4 percent at 5.54 HK dollars. Bank of China advanced 0.6 at 3.44 HK dollars. Bank of Communications, China's fifth biggest lender measured by assets, increased 1.1 percent to 5.76 HK dollars.

As for energy stocks, China's top refiner Sinopec lost 0.1 percent to 8.70 HK dollars. PetroChina, the country's largest oil and gas producer, went up 0.2 percent to 11.02 HK dollars. (1 U.S. dollar equals 7.751 HK dollars)

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