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Who will you remember when looking back 2012? (3)

(People's Daily Online)

08:24, December 26, 2012

One person, one group

With the native place in Jiangxi province, Zhan Haite is a girl born in Zhuhai and lives in Shanghai. She raised a topic for debate on the micro-blog and then caused controversy. Her dream is to study and participate in college entrance examination in the city where her parents work.

Millions of students who leave their hometowns and live in large cities stand behind Zhan. At present, most cities have announced the planning for out-of-province students to participate in the college entrance examination. The Ministry of Education requires that the remaining regions must launch the planning for out-of-province students to participate in the college entrance examination by the end of 2012.

Some children did not even get the opportunity to study in cities where their parents work. The five children died in a trash container on street in Bijie of Guizhou, like withered flowers. They and the 23 injured primary school students from Guangshan of Henan are just one part of leftover children. Their words of “not fearing pains” and “missing our mothers” are heartbreaking.

【1】 【2】 【3】 【4】

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