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Chinese take to feverish Christmas (3)

By  Shi Jing and Li Xinzhu  (China Daily)

09:33, December 24, 2012

However, Wang Yang, founder of her own design brand YAANG, said sales of Christmas-related products were selling much worse than expected.

"We have imported special candelabra, calendars and small glass ornaments to hang on Christmas trees but, to tell the truth, they are not well received, even during sales," she said.

"Chinese customers take it for granted they can pay less than 10 yuan for a small Christmas ornament thanks to the rapid development of the crafts market in Yiwu and other places. They think a 50-plus yuan ornament is way beyond acceptance. There is still a lack of tradition or culture for this extremely Western festival," she said.

To her Christmas is another opportunity for Chinese retailers to solicit more customers.

"Christmas is super busy in most Chinese cosmopolitan cities," she said.

It is certainly true at Chujian Flower Shop in Guangzhou. Gu Yidan, its founder, said many customers check the price of Christmas wreaths but few order one.

"Sales during Chinese Valentine's Day are way much better. It is still a Western festival after all," she said.

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