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IPhone 5 hits stores on Friday (3)

By Shen Jingting (China Daily)

10:11, December 12, 2012

An iPhone5 is displayed at an Apple Store in San Francisco, California, in this Sep 21, 2012 file photo. (

The third quarter saw 60 million smartphones shipped in China, a record number and three times more than personal computer shipments, according to a report by the research company International Data Corp.

Apple Inc's ranking in the Chinese smartphone market fell to No 6 in the third quarter, when the company commanded less than 10 percent of the Chinese market, the company said.

"I don't think the iPhone 5 will help Apple lift its rankings in the Chinese market, since Apple merely concentrates on high-end buyers," said Sandy Shen, an analyst at technology researcher Gartner Inc.

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