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English>>China Politics

Xi Jinping vows no stop in reform, opening up (5)


08:08, December 12, 2012


In addition to sending a clear message on the country's persistence in reform and opening up, Xi's visit to Guangdong demonstrated a change of officials' work style.

Many web users linked Xi's visit with a newly revealed policy to reject extravagance and reduce bureaucratic visits and meetings.

In the latest meeting of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee last Tuesday, senior officials agreed that "there should be fewer traffic controls arranged for leaders' security while on trips in order to avoid unnecessary inconvenience to the public."

According to Shenzhen police, no road was sealed during the CPC general secretary's stay in the city.

"Xi was traveling along with public transport, private cars and taxis, which marks the first senior official visit without issuing traffic controls," said an entry posted on the official microblog of the traffic management authority of Shenzhen.

"Lu Yaming" shared his encounter with Xi's motorcade on popular microblogging site, saying that Xi's minibus had transparent glass and no curtains.

"It was travelling at about 60 km/h with only one escort vehicle when it passed by," the netizen added, concluding, "The style has indeed changed."

Many other netizens also welcomed the change and invited Xi to return to Shenzhen on a regular basis.

Deng Guohua, whose family hosted Xi during his stay in Yumin Village, said he noticed that the leader talked in a natural way, without any sense of grandeur.

Another Shenzhen resident told Xinhua that he wished he was at Lianhuashan Park on Saturday morning to photograph Xi with his phone.

"It's rare that police did not ask ordinary people to leave and it means that Xi wants to talk to us," said the man.

A former teacher in Shenzhen also said he felt that the new work style showed that the general secretary had noticed what the people are thinking.

"From Xi's visit, I see a clear demonstration that reform and opening up cannot be changed but certain bureaucratic work style can be changed," said the retiree.

【1】 【2】 【3】 【4】 【5】

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