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English>>China Society

Ugly truth (2)

(Global Times)

08:11, November 29, 2012

Foreigners have better performance in bed.

Martin: Many of my female friends and my ex-girlfriends told me it's true.

Dong: We haven't had sex yet, but my boyfriend told me foreigners, especially Latin Americans, are "fierce" in bed.

Lin: My boyfriend is my first love, so I don't have anybody else to compare him to.... [but the first American I went on a date with] dropped his pants, and I saw his little little brother.

Niu: Size doesn't matter, and being suitable for each other is important. Foreigners are more open in bed and they spare no efforts.

Wang: The foreigners, usually Europeans, are better since they usually start to have sex in their teens.

Chinese women who date foreigners are gold-diggers.

Lin: Of course there are some gold-diggers - jumping at every foreigner she sees, for money or a green card, under the delusion that every foreigner is rich. In bars I see girls who just zealously talk to foreigners, even the terrible-looking ones, as long as they splash some cash.

Niu: I have friends who just date those rich men. But come on, foreigners who have to work in China cannot be rich!

Foreigners are targeted by older or divorced women.

Niu: I have a friend who got remarried to a foreigner.

Martin: It's true. It's easy for young girls in their twenties to find someone, but hard for a 33-year-old woman. Foreigners don't really mind the age.

Chinese girlfriends are spoiled, moody, and dependent on the guys.

Niu: Chinese girls, including me, like to act like a spoiled child to get more attention.

Davidson: Chinese girls do act in a spoiled kind of way. Sometimes it's good, and I like it.

Martin: Chinese girlfriends are more moody and get angry more easily.

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