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What influence has Gaza conflict brought? (2)

(People's Daily Online)

17:06, November 28, 2012

Second, Israel has demonstrated its advanced military technologies, especially missile defense technologies.

Third, Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu is likely to win more votes in re-election by showing the country’s military superiority and playing tough on Hamas.

Rise of Hamas' status

Hamas has also made achievement despite heavy loss.

Hamas has demonstrated its influence as well as its will and ability to confront Israel through the conflict, which raises its status in Palestinians.

Hamas has tested the attitudes of Egypt, a major Middle East power, and other Arab countries after the change of regime. After the conflict, the Egyptian Prime Minister visited Gaza, and many Arab countries like Qatar showed their support to Hamas.

Furthermore, the ceasefire agreement requires Israel to ease the blockade on Gaza and make commitment to stop targeted elimination of Hamas leaders.

【1】 【2】 【3】

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