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English>>China Society

Speaking for business (4)

By Yan Shuang (Global Times)

10:55, November 12, 2012

Political participation

Private business owners were first allowed into the national Party congress a decade ago, when seven were selected as delegates to the 16th Party congress.

The number further grew to 17 for the 17th congress and 34 during the 18th congress, a figure still dwarfed by 112 leaders from SOE behemoths and big banks.

"The increasing number of private entrepreneurs indicates the Party's support for us," Wang Dong said.

However, being selected to sit in the congress is not enough.

Liang Wengen, founder of the construction machinery manufacturer Sany Group in Changsha, Hunan Province, has been reported since last year as a possible candidate for the province's deputy governor once he passes an assessment by the Organization Department of the Party Central Committee.

"The number of entrepreneurs becoming Party members has been increasing since the 16th congress, indicating our improved political status," Liang said Sunday, adding that private businesses are more vulnerable than SOEs when exposed to negative reports.

The private sector's demand for more access to information and participation in the decision-making process could make a fundamental impact on China's future development, Wang Lina added.

Sun said he does not see a growing interest among entrepreneurs in political participation.

"I don't think the 34 delegates, who're mostly from big companies, represent the sector, as most private enterprises are small or medium-sized."

"During the Party congress, these delegates are first recognized as Party members, then as private business owners," Sun added.

Currently, there are more than 9 million private enterprises and 36 million individual businesses registered on the Chinese mainland, in which over 180 million people are employed, according to an Economic Observer report on Friday.

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