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English>>China Politics

Delegates to CPC congress voice support for Party blueprint (2)


12:37, November 10, 2012

Delegate Wang Huisheng, chairman of the State Development Investment Corp., said the company's development is a microcosm of national economic growth. The past decade saw the fastest development of the company, whose total assets increased from 73 billion yuan (11.59 billion U.S. dollars) to 300 billion yuan, with its profit up from 850 million yuan to 10 billion yuan.

Wang hoped the company's reform and management will help with the country's exploration of the reform and development of state-owned enterprises.

Delegate Liu Shengrong, Party chief of the Lanzhou Railway Bureau, said the report helps people better understand the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics, set forth more clear-cut goals and boost confidence of the Party.

As China continues to implement the Strategy to Develop Western China, railways will play a bigger role in boosting regional economic growth, Liu said.

Delegate Liu Qiang, Party chief of Fushun City of Liaoning Province, said the Party and government have exerted great efforts to achieve historic achievements in education, employment and health.

Fushun is among the first group of cities to renovate housing in run-down areas and more than 300,000 people have moved to new homes.

【1】 【2】 【3】

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