
Foreign sayings in President Xi's quotes

(People's Daily Online) 10:01, June 07, 2023

Whether delivering speeches or publishing articles in foreign newspapers, Chinese President Xi Jinping always expresses himself eloquently by using local sayings, proverbs and dictums.

Let's review some of the foreign proverbs and sayings from Xi's articles and speeches.

Central Asian Proverb:

There is a proverb popular among farmers in Shaanxi Province, "If you work hard enough, gold will grow out of the land." In the same vein, a Central Asian saying goes, "You get rewarded if you give, and you harvest if you sow." Let us work closely together to pursue common development, common affluence, and common prosperity, and embrace a brighter future for our six countries!

—— Chinese President Xi Jinping's keynote speech at China-Central Asia Summit on May 19, 2023


(Web editor: Wu Chaolan, Wu Chengliang)


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