
Vivid Sydney 2022 returns after three-year pandemic hiatus

By Xueyi Zhao, Jiayi Wang (People's Daily Online) 15:22, June 01, 2022
Vivid Sydney 2022 returns after three-year pandemic hiatus
Vivid Sydney Logo at Sydney Circular Quay. (Photo/Xueyi Zhao)

Sydney, May 31 (People’s Daily Online) – The Sydney light and music festival Vivid Sydney is finally back after two years and will be open to public audiences in Sydney, Australia from May 27 to June 18, 2022.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, Vivid Sydney was suspended for two years in a row, but is now making a strong comeback. With the theme of light, music and art, this lively festival makes use of innovative large-scale lighting, laser light shows, and 3D mapping projection technology to connect the city together and showcase its lighting experts, music producers, outstanding thinkers, and creative artists.

This year's festival of lights has deployed 600 drones to top off this amazing light show. In addition, the event features its longest-ever lighted walkway compared with any previous years. The light show also features 50 light installations, 3D projected artwork, 111 music events, and 87 creative talks and workshops.

Over the course of the event’s 23 days, many Sydney landmarks, including the Sydney Opera House, Darling Harbour, and The Harbour Bridge, will be lit up with brilliant light displays. At the same time, an outstanding lineup of international and local Australian musicians will also bring colorful music and creative performances to the audience.

This event also attracts tourists from all over the world to participate in the festivities. One tourist stated that he booked his visit to Vivid Sydney after hearing about it from his home back in Brazil. Upon arrival, he became even more excited than he imagined when visiting the scene.

Vivid Sydney was launched in 2009 by Tourism New South Wales. It is the most significant light, music, and creative festival in the southern hemisphere, attracting a large number of tourists from all over the world every year. 


(Web editor: Hongyu, Bianji)


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