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Incumbent Museveni leads in provisional results of Uganda presidential polls

(Xinhua)    09:42, January 16, 2021

Justice Simon Byabakama (C, Front), chairperson of the Electoral Commission, signs forms after communicating provisional results of presidential polls at the national tally center in Kampala, Uganda, on Jan. 15, 2021. Uganda's incumbent President Yoweri Museveni on Friday maintained the lead in the Thursday's polls, pitting him prominent pop star, according the provisional results released by Electoral Commission (EC) here. (Photo by Hajarah Nalwadda/Xinhua)

KAMPALA, Jan. 15 (Xinhua) -- Incumbent President Yoweri Museveni is taking a lead in provisional results of Uganda's presidential election, the country's electoral body said on Friday.

Out of the 23.96 percent of votes that have been tallied, Museveni secured 65.02 percent, followed by his main challenger, pop star Robert Kyagulanyi Ssentamu, with 27.39 percent, according to Justice Simon Byabakama, chairperson of the Electoral Commission.

Patrick Oboi Amuriat of the Forum for Democratic Change gathered 3.60 percent of the counted votes while Nancy Kalembe, the only female presidential candidate, got 0.51 percent.

The commission is expected to announce the final results in the east African country by Saturday.

Presidential election results should be declared within 48 hours after polling closes, according to the country's constitution.


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(Web editor: Xian Jiangnan, Bianji)

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