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"Green development" brings economic benefits for village in E China (12)

(Xinhua)    21:08, August 10, 2017
A combo photo shows the scenery of Xiajiang Village(below) changed from the former dilapidated village(above) in Fengshuling Town, Chun''an County, east China''s Zhejiang Province, Aug. 9. 2017. The Xiajiang Village used to be a dirty place with poor transportation, and the needy villagers had to cut down trees to burn or to sale, which lead to severe deforestation. Thanks to the "green development" program, the villagers built biogas digester and developed organic agriculture. By 2015, Xiajiang Village was enlisted as one of the Chinese AAA rating tourist attractions. The village attracted more than 60,000 tourists in the first half year of 2017. By the end of 2016, the total economic income of Xiajiang Village reached 51.09 million Yuan with per-capita disposable income reaching 22,000 Yuan. (Xinhua)


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(Web editor: Chen Lidan, Bianji)

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